Hokayyy.....time 2 blog
for ur information
i had arrive KL for small trip
and until now had a lazy life
no class, no lecture,no assignments(actually got 6 waiting)
sleep until automatically wake up
nice arrrr....if life goes on like tat so good ar(+ some more $$$ better)
today went for one movie tat i m awaited
tat is....BEASTLY
Beastly is a romantic fantasy film based from a novel that has same name on it.
it's about a modern "fairytale",maybe coz i don't have others better words to describe
it is about a HANDSOME guy with an evil streak named KYLE KINGSON.
then a witch change him to an ugly person and he must find a girl tat willing to accept his ugly look and say “i love u" to him in 1 year time. if nt, he will not able to change back to his handsome look anymore.
look like impossible is it?coz i think nobody will believe there is a witch in a modern city like New York!
so i said i had no other words to describe instead of "fairytale"
i love the quote"LOVE IS NEVER UGLY"
main character in this movie is Kyle by Alex Pettyfer and Lindy by Vanessa Hudgens
just want to say i watched tis movie coz of Alex Petteryfer!
he is so handsome
although some ppl don think so
but he is my type k
white young with beautiful COLOURED eyes
for info...he is born in 1990
just 2 years oleder than me
but look mature
well, western ppl always used to
here he is
1st knew him was in previous movie that i watched
i am number four
talk about it then
i think he looked better in movie than photos
maybe he is not photogenic .....LOL!
juz my opinion
i recommend tis movie if u trust in fairytale
if no, recommend u watch others
here...trailor of beastly
or u can click HERE for more info
ok....for next movie also from ALEX
i think most ppl know this movie very well
quite famous
it is about a 19 years old young man named John Smith that came from a planet
sry, i forget the name
coz quite a time after i watched it
poor memory of my old brain
i juz know he is the number 4 and the three in front was being killed
then the story goes on....
want know more about?juz watch it
one thing this movie attract me is y choose no.4?
no other numbers?
i think i got fate with no. 4
coz i was surrounded by it
although i try to avoid it
if i got choice to choose
even my exam index no. last two digit is 48
in mandarin 死吧!means die la...WTF!
wat a unlucky number i got!
tat'a all
last is trailor of i am number four
i did posted it up before and said i was desperate to watch it
now i done:)
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