Wednesday, June 22, 2011

(Daddy Day)Early Father's Day Celebration but late post:(

Father's Day had passed
suppose to be a good sunday by spending my time with my dad
but i leave:*(
felt superb sowie for my parents coz i was not around for both father's & mother's day
i dun 1 okie!
plan to do this post on father's day but due to some problems
now i just got time to post by throwing work at side

got a very very early father's day celebration this year
almost a week earlier==
too hard to gather all the family members nowadays
all busy like helllll!!!
want meet with them also need booking

after several discussion with the sis
don't know dad like what
car???sowie,we don' have enough $
all were like busy, lazy to cook, don't know cook what for dad eat
so decided to treat dad a simple dinner
snap before out

panda eyes@@!grrrr

roasted piggy as dad's present
i been long time din eat><

the long waiting duck
ordered from the morning
but we waited for 45 minutes after we finish all other foods:(
waited until very hungryyyy
i just snapped 3 plate then my bro was impatience to wait
so i ended with with stop snapping photo & concentrate on my food
quite disappointed with the service there

family is always my priority
appreciate the moment with them cuz i am always far away from them
i hope i can back hommie always:(

thanks again to my sis
4 nights treat me with my fav. chop
big clapssss........
love u 2 very much<3
i am fat now:(
friends laugh me got double chin now-.-

OMG!now just i discovered pizza at Siamese Secret Miri was so delicious!
100%delicious than pizza hut(too oily)
i desperate want eat it now><
hungry after looked at the pic

thanks babe for the red flip case
love it!
thanks again babe
miss eu n take care ya....
keep in touch:)

any idea with my luggage??
i am speechless with it
still got some outside the room
the new room was so dirtyyyy
facing bad time :(

gotta sleep...
end here

family is irreplaceable

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